You know well where it is required to generate a random string. It might be for a password generation or any other reason. Here is a sample C# program to generate a random string. You might required to pass a parameters length of the random string also a boolean param to say whether to include upper case characters.
////// Gets a random alphanumeric string of the specified length, /// optionally using either all lowercase, or mixed lower and upper case. /// /// Length of the string. /// Whether to include uppercase characters. public string GetRandomString(int length, bool includeUppercase) { string chars = "abcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890"; if (includeUppercase) chars += "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(length); for (int chNum = 0; chNum < length; ++chNum) { int rand = this.GetRandomInt(0, chars.Length); sb.Append(chars[rand]); } return sb.ToString(); }
////// Gets a random boolean, based on the passed percentage. /// It will return true in truePercentage percent of calls. /// /// The percentage of the time true should be returned. public bool GetRandomBoolean(int truePercentage) { int rand = this.GetRandomInt(0, 100); // [0-100), can be zero, can't be 100 return (rand < truePercentage); }
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