Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Booleans and Conditionals - Python Programming for Beginners Practice Exercise 6

Exercise 6:

Create a program that asks the user how far they want to travel. If they want to travel less than three miles tell them to walk. If they want to travel more than three miles, but less than three hundred miles, tell them to drive. If they want to travel three hundred miles or more tell them to fly.

Sample Output:

How far would you like to travel in miles? 2500
I suggest flying to your destination.


#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Ask for the distance.
distance = input('How far would you like to travel in miles? ')

# Convert the distance to an integer.
distance = int(distance)

# Determine what mode of transport to use.
if distance < 3:
    mode_of_transport = 'walking'
elif distance < 300:
    mode_of_transport = 'driving'
    mode_of_transport = 'flying'

# Display the result.
print('I suggest {} to your destination.'.format(mode_of_transport))

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