Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Functions - Python Programming for Beginners Practice Exercise 7

Exercise 7:

Create a fill in the blank word game. Prompt the user to enter a noun, verb, and an adjective. Use those responses to fill in the blanks and display the story.

Write a short story. Remove a noun, verb, and an adjective.

Create a function to get the input from the user.

Create a function that fills in the blanks in the story you created.

Ensure each function contains a docstring.

After the noun, verb, and adjective have been collected from the user, display the story using their input.


#!/usr/bin/env python3

def get_word(word_type):
    """Get a word from a user and return that word."""

    # The lower() function converts the string to lowercase before testing it
    if word_type.lower() == 'adjective':
        # Use 'an' in front of 'adjective'
        a_or_an = 'an'
        # Otherwise, use 'a' in front of 'noun' or 'verb'
        a_or_an = 'a'
    return input('Enter a word that is {0} {1}: '.format(a_or_an, word_type))

def fill_in_the_blanks(noun, verb, adjective):
    """Fills in the blanks and returns a completed story."""

    # The \ lets the string continue on the next line to make the code easier to read
    story = "In this course you will learn how to {1}.  " \
            "It's so easy even a {0} can do it.  " \
            "Trust me, it will be very {2}.".format(noun, verb, adjective)
    return story

def display_story(story):
    """Displays a story."""
    print('Here is the story you created.  Enjoy!')

def create_story():
    """Creates a story by capturing the input and displaying a finished story."""
    noun = get_word('noun')
    verb = get_word('verb')
    adjective = get_word('adjective')

    the_story = fill_in_the_blanks(noun, verb, adjective)


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